Hello Piyush,
Sorry for the late reply, I tried all the options in layout:ready as well as form:ready, but no luck.. The value wasn't showing up at all. I tried both the below options.
//var v_lgort = xfa.resolveNode("data.Body.Item_Table.DATA[*].LGORT").value;
var v_lgort = xfa.resolveNode("xfa.record.Item_Table.DATA[*].LGORT").value;
this.rawValue = v_lgort;
This is the logic they(SAP) have written in GV_LGORT . But I don't understand this logic at all. I mean I understand the coding , but I don't understand how this logic will ever work.. The below code brings in Storage Location (LGORT), but not in the expected way..
Let me know if any other way we can sort this out. I sincerely appreciate your help.