We are facing an issue wherein when a new customer is created in ECC and the same is trying to get replicated to CRM an error message appears which says that BP with the same GUID already exists.
Let me explain the case in detail. We earlier ( in year 2013) had 2 landscapes A( ECC landscape) and C( CRM landscape). In 2013 the customers were created in A and they got replicated to C successfully. In the year 2015 we had disconnected A from C and there is no data communication between these 2 landscapes since than..
A new ECC landscape ( B) has been created in 2015 and connection established between B and C ( CRM system). Now whenever the customers are created in B and when these customers are trying to get replicated to C we are getting failed Bdoc errors in SMW01 with message "BP with the same GUID already exists " as these customers were already existing in C as a result of replication from A in 2013.
we want to eliminate this situation of failure of Bdocs in SMW01 as a result of replication of new customers from B to C. Please suggest your ideas as to how do we do this. Do we need to do any configuration change or development.
Thanks and Regards