We are using SAP PO 7.5 and are connecting to two SAP R/3 Clients (R/3 Version 4.7) for Idoc Communication..
For that we create two resource Adapters (inboundRA_<R3Client1> and inboundRA_<R3Client2>) as per the blog: Connect multiple SAP ECC clients from Java IDOC Sender Adapter by Resource Adapter Cloning
From the R/3 side, the same RFC(TCP IP) is used for both the clients.[Since RFC is client independent]
We want to know if the above process is fine. We are facing the following problems with this:
- In the Development environment the above works fine. But every day the Program ID gets de-registered from the R/3 Gateway (smgw). If we just save one of the inboundRAs from NWA, then the program Id gets registered again on the R/3 side.
- Now in the Quality environment -- one of the InboundRAs goes to red. If we stop one inbounRA, then the other works fine -- but not both together.
Any insights on this?
Thanks and Regards,