In Continuation of my discussion would like to share the solution that I likely to use but I would like to know if any one have other opinions on this process.
1. Continued the solution that has been shared in my question and additionally, what have made is the following.
A. Have ensured there is only one With Holding Tax Type for Customer TDS.
B, Have ensured the With holding Tax code that gets assigned to the With Holding Tax Type has a rate of 100% as TDS.
C. Ensured the customer master has the With holding Tax Type and the With Holding tax Code being assigned.
D. Now, by default system puts 100% as TDS at the time F-28 payment creation for each invoice.
E. At the time of posting the F-28 entry user changes the with holding tax 100% amount to relevant amount and posts actual receipt entry.
Now the question is,
1. Is the above process is it a best practice?
2. Is it that for every customer by default the TDS gets calculated, and user has to change before posting the receipt entry.
3. Please note the above procedure is for the Invoice that ahs been created through SD process.
Please share if any one have observations on the same.
Thank you.