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Wrong Amount in /460


Hi ,


Facing the below described issue

For few employees  March 16 salary income tax (/460) value is deducted wrong  , one of the issue detailed


Total Tax Payable                     = 753270

Tax deducted till Feb-16           = 684285

Balance tax  for Mar-16            =  68985  (to be deducted)


However Tax deducted by the system in march RS. 68592/-   (less by Rs. 493/-)


Following RT details



|*      /101 Total gross amount                                                  |

|                                                               236,819.66       |

|*      /111 EPF Basis                                                           |

|                                                                15,000.00       |

|*      /112 ESI Basis                                                           |

|                                                               236,529.66       |

|*      /113 ESI Basis Nominal                                                   |

|                                                               211,056.83       |

|*      /114 HRA Basis                                                           |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /115 COA/CLA Basis                                                       |

|                                                               238,029.66       |

|*      /116 Gratuity Basis                                                      |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /117 Superannuation Basis                                                |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /124 Mon Reg Income                                                      |

|                                                               238,129.66       |

|*      /125 Mon Irr Income                                                      |

|                                                                 1,310.00-      |

|*      /128 Leave Encashment Basis                                              |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /12H Nominal basis for Housing                                           |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /12I HRA eligibility - Nominal                                           |

|                                                                79,071.31       |

|*      /130 Exemption U/S 10                                                    |

|                                                               456,051.73       |

|*      /132 Monthly Exemptions                                                  |

|                                                                   100.00       |

|*      /133 Annual Exemptions                                                   |

|                                                                14,979.84       |

|*      /134 Annual Non-perk amounts                                             |

|                                                                 1,310.00-      |

|*      /135 Form 217 2(A) Annual Perk                                           |

|                                                                 1,310.00-      |

|*      /136 1DSD Basis Nominal                                                  |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /137 1DSD Basis Actual                                                   |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /138 Form 217 2(A) Basis                                                 |

|                                                               236,819.66       |

|*      /139 VPF Basis                                                           |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /140 LWF Basis                                                           |

|                                                               236,819.66       |

|*      /3EA Actual ESI Basis                                                    |

|                                                               236,530.00       |

|*      /3F1 Ee PF contribution        01  01                                    |

|                                                                 1,800.00       |

|*      /3F3 Er PF contribution        01  01                                    |

|                                                                   550.00       |

|*      /3F4 Er Pension contribution   01  01                                    |

|                                                                 1,250.00       |

|*      /3F5 Ee Mon PF contribution                                              |

|                                                                 1,800.00       |

|*      /3F6 Ee Ann PF contribution                                              |

|                                                                21,571.00       |

|*      /3F7 EDLI contri * 1,00,000    01  01                                    |

|                                                             7,500,000.00       |

|*      /3F8 EDLI adm chrgs * 1,00,000 01  01                                    |

|                                                               150,000.00       |

|*      /3F9 PF adm chrgs * 1,00,000   01  01                                    |

|                                                            12,750,000.00       |

|*      /3FA PF basis for Ee contrib   01  01                                    |

|                                                                15,000.00       |

|*      /3FB PF Basis for Er Contrib   01  01                                    |

|                                                                15,000.00       |

|*      /3FC Pension Basis for Er cont 01  01                                    |

|                                                                15,000.00       |

|*      /3FE Interest accrued on total                                           |

|                                                                   271.00       |

|*      /3FJ VPF basis for Ee contrib  01  01                                    |

|                                                               131,786.00       |

|*      /3FL PF Basis for Er Contrib   01  01                                    |

|                                                                15,000.00       |

|*      /3I1 Deduction u/s 80                                                    |

|                                                               175,000.00       |

|*      /3I2 Gross amount u/s 88                                                 |

|                                                               167,821.00       |

|*      /3LE Nom. CEA amt monthly                                                |

|                                                                   200.00       |

|*      /3M1 Medical reimbursement                                               |

|                                                                 8,750.00       |

|*      /3P1 Prof Tax - split period   01  13 01 06                              |

|I                                                                  200.00       |

|*      /3P2 Professional Tax Basis    01  13 01 06                              |

|                                                               244,894.19       |

|*      /3P3 Prof Tax - Full period                                              |

|                                                                   200.00       |

|*      /3Q1 HRA calculation value         01                                    |

|                                                               395,356.56       |

|*      /3Q1 HRA calculation value         02                                    |

|                                                               474,427.86       |

|*      /3Q1 HRA calculation value         03                                    |

|                                                               142,028.69       |

|*      /3R1 Metro HRA Amount                                                    |

|                                                                79,071.31       |

|*      /3R3 Metro HRA Basis Amount                                              |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|*      /403 Marginal tax rate                                                   |

|                             30.00                                              |

|*      /404 Mrgnl tax rate with srch.                                           |

|                             30.90                                              |

|*      /410 Ann Reg Income                                                      |

|                                                             1,537,277.96       |

|*      /411 Ann Irr Income                                                      |

|                                                               251,592.00       |

|*      /414 Exm.under pro.to sec17(2)                                           |

|                                                1.00-           14,979.84       |

|*      /416 Gross Salary                                                        |

|                                                             3,654,663.08       |

|*      /418 Balance                                                             |

|                                                             3,198,611.35       |

|*      /422 Empmnt tax (Prof Tax)                                               |

|                                                                 2,500.00       |

|*      /424 Aggrg Deduction                                                     |

|                                                                 2,500.00       |

|*      /426 Incm under Hd Salary                                                |

|                                                             3,196,111.35       |

|*      /430 Gross Tot Income                                                    |

|                                                             3,196,111.35       |

|*      /432 Agg of Chapter VI                                                   |

|                                                               175,000.00       |

|*      /434 Total Income                                                        |

|                                                             3,021,110.00       |

|*      /436 Tax on total Income                                                 |

|                                                               731,333.00       |

|*      /446 Tax payable                                                         |

|                                                               731,333.00       |

|*      /447 Sec and Higher Educ Cess                                            |

|                                                                 7,313.00       |

|*      /449 Education Cess                                                      |

|                                                                14,627.00       |

|*      /450 Tax payable and surcharge                                           |

|                                                               753,270.00       |

|*      /456 Tax deducted so far                                                 |

|                                                               684,285.00       |

|*      /458 Net tax payable                                                     |

|                                                                68,985.00       |

|*      /460 Income Tax                                                          |

|                                                                68,592.00       |

|*      /4CE CEA Monthly Exemption                                               |

|                                                                   100.00       |

|*      /4E1 CEA Annual Exemption                                                |

|                                                                   600.00       |

|*      /4E4 HRA Annual Exemption                                                |

|                                                               142,028.69       |

|*      /4ME Monthly Education cess                                              |

|                          1,941.75                               1,332.45       |

|*      /4MH Monthly Higher Edu cess                                             |

|                            970.87                                 666.23       |

|*      /4MI Monthly Amount paid                                                 |

|                                                               302,241.31       |

|*      /4MT Monthly Tax payable                                                 |

|                         97,087.38                              66,593.32       |

|*      /4T1 Income Tax Slab Rates            01 09                              |

|                                                             3,021,110.00       |

|*      /4T1 Income Tax Slab Rates         02                                    |

|                                               10.00            25,000.00       |

|*      /4T1 Income Tax Slab Rates         03                                    |

|                                               20.00           100,000.00       |

|*      /4T1 Income Tax Slab Rates         04                                    |

|                                               30.00           606,333.00       |

|*      /4TE Edu Cess Ded Till Date                                              |

|                                                                13,286.85       |

|*      /4TT Tax Payable Ded Till Date                                           |

|                                                               664,354.71       |

|*      /4VA Prev Gross salary                                                   |

|                                                             1,880,772.96       |

|*      /4VB Prev exemp u/s10                                                    |

|                                                               213,673.04       |

|*      /4VC Prev prof. tax paid                                                 |

|                                                                 1,200.00       |

|*      /4VD Prev PF contributed                                                 |

|                                                                10,771.00       |

|*      /4VE Prev Tax Deducted                                                   |

|                                                               380,125.00       |

|*      /4VF Prev Medical Exempt                                                 |

|                                                                 6,229.84       |

|*      /4VL Prev Tax Payable Deducted                                           |

|                                                               369,053.49       |

|*      /4VN Prev Edu cess Deducted                                              |

|                                                                 7,381.01       |

|*      /4VO Prev Higher ECess Deducte                                           |

|                                                                 3,690.50       |

|*      /4VP Prev taxable income paid                                            |

|                                                             1,825,943.97       |

|*      /4VQ Prev. Ee. NPS Basis                                                 |

|                                                               790,430.87       |

|*      /4VS Prev. Er. NPS Basis                                                 |

|                                                               790,430.87       |

|*      /550 Statutory net pay                                                   |

|                                                               166,227.66       |

|*      /552 Stat.net subs.adjustment                                            |

|                                                                 8,098.30       |

|*      /559 Bank transfer                                              01       |

|                                                               174,326.00       |

|*      /560 Net pay                                                             |

|                                                               174,326.00       |

|*      /700 Wage/salary + ER shares                                             |

|                                                               238,823.66       |

|*      /840 Diff.curr.from aver.month 01                                        |

|                                               27.00                            |

|*      /844 Paid public holidays      01                                        |

|                                                9.00                            |

|*      /845 Total paid non-work       01                                        |

|                                                9.00                            |

|*      /ROA Rounding off adjustment                                             |

|                                                                     0.04       |

|*      /ROR Recovery of round off amt                                           |

|                                                                     0.08       |

|*      /ZEA BF ESI basis                                                        |

|                                                                 8,021.00       |

|*      /ZF3 BF EPF ER Share                                                     |

|                                                                    18.00       |

|*      /ZF4 BF EPS ER Share                                                     |

|                                                                    43.00       |

|*      /ZF5 CF Pf monthly                                                       |

|                                                                    61.00       |

|*      /ZFA BF Ee EPF Basis                                                     |

|                                                                   509.00       |

|*      /ZP2 Ptax basis arrears                                                  |

|                                                                 8,074.53       |

|*      01AX Fuel Exp Annual Exemption                                           |

|                                                                24,500.00       |

|*      02AX Car Exp Annual Exemption                                            |

|                                                                12,250.00       |

|*      04AX Driver Sal Annual Exempti                                           |

|                                                                63,000.00       |

|*      1000 Basic Salary                                                        |

|                                                                15,000.00       |

|*      1005 Basic 1                                                             |

|                                                               116,785.52       |

|*      1010 House Rent Allowance                                                |

|                                                                79,071.31       |

|*      1020 Education Allowance                                                 |

|                                                                   200.00       |

|*      1035 Special Allowance                                                   |

|                                                                22,972.83       |

|*      1080 LTA Amount (Taxable)                                                |

|                                                                 2,500.00       |

|*      1215 Conveyance All Taxable                                              |

|                                                                 1,600.00       |

|*      8500 Basic Arrears                                                       |

|                                                                   508.62       |

|*      8501 Basic1 Arrears                                                      |

|                                                                 3,959.98       |

|*      8502 HRA Arrears                                                         |

|                                                                 2,681.16       |

|*      8504 Education All Arrears                                               |

|                                                                     6.78       |

|*      8507 Special All Arrears                                                 |

|                                                                   778.96       |

|*      8521 Conv All Taxable Arrears                                            |

|                                                                    54.26       |

|*      8557 LTA Amount Arrears                                                  |

|                                                                    84.77       |

|*      8559 Sodexo Arrears                                                      |

|                                                                    84.77       |

|*      9000 CTC                                                                 |

|                                                             3,581,230.00       |

|*      9001 CTC Reimbursement                                                   |

|                                                               246,000.00       |

|*      9004 Nominal Sodexo Coupon                                               |

|                                                                 2,500.00       |

|*      9101 Driver Salary                                                       |

|                                                                 9,000.00       |

|*      9104 Medical Amount                                                      |

|                                                                 1,250.00       |

|*      9105 Fuel Reimbursement                                                  |

|                                                                 3,500.00       |

|*      9106 Car Maintenance                                                     |

|                                                                 1,750.00       |

|*      9107 LTA Amount                                                          |

|                                                                 2,500.00       |

|*      9109 Sodexo Coupons                                                      |

|                                                                 2,500.00       |

|*      9113 Ann Perf Pay                                                        |

|                                                               248,409.03       |

|*      9114 Associate Pft Share                                                 |

|                                                               103,503.76       |

|*      9115 Short Term Incen                                                    |

|                                                               124,204.52       |

|*      9116 Medical Insurance                                                   |

|                                                                 6,457.00       |

|*      9121 Festival Bonus                                                      |

|                                                                 3,500.00       |

|*      93F7 EDLI contri * 1,00,000    01  01                                    |

|                                                                    75.00       |

|*      93F8 EDLI adm chrgs * 1,00,000 01  01                                    |

|                                                                     1.50       |

|*      93F9 PF adm chrgs * 1,00,000   01  01                                    |

|                                                                   127.50       |

|*      9828 Festival Bonus (Prorata)                                            |

|                                                                   291.66       |

|*      9902 Paid days                                                           |

|                             31.00                                  31.00       |

|*      9904 Festival Bonus Paid                                                 |

|                                                                 3,471.00       |

|3      /001 Valuation basis 1         01                                        |

|                          1,090.88                                              |

|3      /002 Valuation basis 2         01                                        |

|                            175.80                                              |

|3      /118 PTax Basis                01                                        |

|                                                               238,129.66       |

|3      /118 PTax Basis                01                          0001          |

|                                                                 1,310.00-      |

|3      /119 PTax Basis Nominal        01                                        |

|                                                               211,056.83       |

|3      /12N Monthly Regular Salary    01                                        |

|                                                               238,129.66       |

|3      /143 Basis NPS Ee Contr        01                                        |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|3      /144 Basis NPS Er Contr        01                                        |

|                                                               131,785.52       |

|3      1125 Short Term Incentive      01                          0001          |

|                                                                 1,310.00-      |


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