Hello MM Gurus,
Client has the below business scenario:
While processing sale order for customer, freight cost needs to be booked on Forwarding agent.
For this purpose, client is using the tcode VT01N to capture the shipment details and tcode VI01 to capture the shipment costs (freight cost), based on the qty delivered to customer.
While transferring the shipment cost in VI01, a service purchase order and service entry sheet are automatically created in the background for the shipment cost.
The problem is in the PO history tab in ME23N.
The record for service entry sheet in this tab (identifier "Lerf") does not display the data for "Quantity" and "OUn" columns.
These should display the values 1 and AU respectively.
Please refer below image to see the problem.
But the same information is displayed correctly in the corresponding record for material document in the same PO history tab (identifier WE) and also in the entry sheet document in ML81N.
Is there any way to activate the display of Qty and UOM in PO history tab?
BTW, the underlying databse record in EKBE does not store this information for Lerf.
Should we go for ABAP enhancement/exit ? Or is there any solution through config ?
Your suggestion will be appreciated.