I'm pushing IDOCs through the Sap Connector from .Net.
For doing this I'm using the IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS function.
Is there a way to get the response status code of the IDOC push?
I'm expecting something like this:
Inbound status of an Idoc
50 IDoc added
51 Application document not posted
52 Application document not fully posted
53 Application document posted
54 Error during formal application check
55 Formal application check OK
56 IDoc with errors added
57 Test IDoc: Error during application check
58 IDoc copy from R/2 connection
59 Not used
60 Error during syntax check of IDoc (inbound)
61 Processing despite syntax error (inbound)
62 IDoc passed to application
63 Error passing IDoc to application
64 IDoc ready to be transferred to application
65 Error in ALE service
66 IDoc is waiting for predecessor IDoc (serialization)
67 Not used
68 Error - no further processing
69 IDoc was edited
70 Original of an IDoc which was edited
71 IDoc reloaded from archive
72 Not used, only R/2
73 IDoc archived
74 IDoc was created by test transaction
75 IDoc is in inbound queue.