Hello Sally,
My replies already have full explanation as I do usually in the first response. Same would repeat if I explain again. However I do it ....
- Having a counter for Saw-blade replacement is not difficult to understand (IK11). This is a Counter created on the Saw-blade as Equipment with characteristic UOM as EA or NO.
- This counter will increment by 1 whenever it gets Dismantled and new Blade is installed.
- You will put the required code in exit IMRC0001 to trigger a Maintenance Order if the Counter reads 1000, 2000 and so on.
- When the Counter Reading of the above Counter reads 1000, the code in the exit creates a Maintenance Order of your specifications (part of code including Task list etc) .
- This Order creation code can be though Batch input lines (SHDB recording) OR using a Function module BAPI_ALM_ORDER_MAINTAIN.
Points 3,4 and 5 are pure technical and would depend upon your ABAPer. This job looks a bit difficult for Functional persons who are not habituated to typical Maintenance plans, but is a simple one for professional ABAPers.
Based on these inputs, if you have got any specifics about these points (1 through 5), you may revert. As far as screen shot is concerned, only screen shot I can attach is the IK01 (Counter creation), which I do not think you need, What you need is to understand the above proposal. This can be done only when you sit alongwith an ABAPer and read it.
Good luck