Apart from above discussion, we can have master warranty for technical objects with counters by having integration of classification system.
There are two types of warranties:
1) Time based (Which we use in our equipment and F/l master which was shown in my previous reply, so that system shows the information about warranty when we process order against that.)
2) counter based : to do this we need to configure the master warranty and same master warrnaty needs to be updated in equipment or F/L master in "Master warranty" field. Due to this when we process order system displays the detailed information about warranty.
Use BGM1/BGM2/BGM3 to create/change/display master warranty, here mention counters.
Transaction codes :
OWTY - Configuration of master warranty
SPRO--> IMG-->Plant Maintenance and Customer Service-->Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service-->Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service-->Warranties
Kindly read SAP library document for better understanding of using master warranty with counters :
Master Warranties - Warranty Claim Processing (LO-WTY) - SAP Library
and SCN post on the same.
Hope you got an idea about warranty in PM