Hi all,
at the moment I'm trying to implement a user status in a quality issue.
I have three statuses, S1, S2 and S3.
First I implemented this status as simple as possible and that is working fine.
So in Customizing I defined the statuses, the actions and the profile.
S1 is the initial status, after S1, S2 can be set and after S2, S3 can be set.
Target Action Type is "S User Status Action".
After that I wanted to implement the digital signature to the last status change ( from S2 to S3).
For that reason I had to implement an own action to the BOPF that can be called. The action changes the user status from S2 to S3.
I put the action in the table /IAM/I_I_ACT_DS so that I could assign my action to the digital signature in the issue customizing (like COMPLETEPROCESS).
The issue has the model class CL_QAM_ISSUE_OVP_MODEL and I found that the method CALL_BO_ACTION calls the signature popup if a signature is required.
Further I found when Target Action Type "S User Status Action" is set, the method CALL_USER_STATUS_ACTION will be called.
Therefore I wanted to set the Target Action Type to "B Busines Object Action" that the method CALL_BO_ACTION can be called and I assigned my BOPF action.
My Problem is now that the action is not visible in the status and I can't set from S2 to S3.
I tried a lot but I don't know what else I can do.
Has anyone an idea?
Best regards